Much less reward problem as Node Operator not matching with records and so on

Hello, please support me.

I am XDC node operator and having much less reward problem not matching with records.

I ask the professional operating to NODEFORGE and they say no problem as usual.

It’s caused by XDC system error.

Also,my node seems not link to new completely.

Here I can see it’s working.

My addresses



So far I have been getting 8% of 10000000 XDC = 66666 XDC every month mainly as STANDY NODE.

In August, I promoted MASTERNODE but I only received 22500XDC on September 6th, which is only 33% of my usual STANDBYNODE rewards.

Under normal circumstances,MASTERNODE is paid the distribution of 22500XDC + block rewards directly into the wallet, and the total should be closer to the 10% rewards.

Even if it was short time, it would be at least 66666+α.

The tricky part is that the records show that the block rewards, but it has not actually been paid to my wallet.

This happened among the master nodes even after this update.

As you can see from my transaction, I have not withdrawn anything since 22500XDC was paid on September 6th, and it is currently about only 36058.9022XDC.
This includes the XDC I had left before.

I got 22500XDC on July 6th and this time I promoted to MASTERNODE in the previous month too.

But at that time it was able to withdraw 67400XDC on 9th,so though it’s less than 10%, but 66666XDC+α.

I have always believed in the future of the XDC network though,

I am concerned about so much rewards not reimbursed and future rewards paid as it should.

It may be chaotic with the update, but it is so unreasonable that I cannot even get the original 66666 XDC and just 22500XDC despite being promoted to a MASTERNODE due to high performance.

Please promise me to reimburse me after the system stabilizes and promote new edition.


If this is true, the incentives for MasterNodes will collapse, which will affect the entire community. Normally, the rewards are dependent on smart contracts, right? This is our concern, and we hope that the cause will be resolved as soon as possible.


There is absolutely nothing to worry about. Issue concerns Standby nodes not validators, rewards for which are distributed manually and efforts have been going on to make them automated in future.


Thank you for your reply,Sean.
I am always encouraged your positive posts and open minded personality on X.

I’m not sure if it would be able to accurately verify the records that supposedly distributed automatically with actual one,even for past years.
Anyway the first priority is to stabilize the system, so I’m just waiting and seeing.

If I could’nt resolve this probllem,please support again.


Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We acknowledge the issue, and our team is actively working on it. We’ll keep you updated on our progress and let you know as soon as there’s a resolution.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

I am attempting to withdraw my xdc from my account on . I am able to access my account and the balance is correct. Upon my attempt to withdraw, there is a not indicating " 21000 min to cover gas limit". I have attempted to withdraw 30000 XDC 4 times without any success. In the middle of the screen it reads ,SUCCESS Transaction sent. On the bottom right corner of the page a much smaller message reads,Oops, returned error : under minimum gas price. My balance indicates the original balance indicating an UNSUCCESSFUL WITHDRAW. Please advise me with respect to successfully withdrawing my tokens. Thank you.

Are you affiliated with the XDC support team Josue261?

Can anyone within this thread advise me with respect to the situation I am dealing with described in my earlier posting about my XDC withdraw attempt?

@P_Hine contact support on telegram

Kindly use latest web Wallet :

he is a scammer. Please do not engage

Please try through

You’ll need to enter your password as an extra word where it is indicated