XDC stuck on Xcel Pay wallet

I have my XDC on the Xcel Pay wallet and when I set up that wallet on my new iPhone I get a message that says

“Authentication failed Err: Authentication using server key is deprecated. Please use an OAuth2 token instead”

I have no clue what this means and I used my seed phrase when I set up the Xcel Pay wallet to recover my XDC coins.

Not only does the balance show zero when I log in, but I cant get them off. I really want to move my XDC coins to a new wallet.

Has anyone else had an issue like this? If so, how did you get it resolved?

Just use the seed phrase of XelPay wallet to import the same wallet to metamask and you’ll be good.

and ignore the message from the XDC support handle. That’s a scammer.

That worked! Thank You so much! I am relieved that I can see the true balance of my XDC and someone even tried to scam me on Telegram when I followed Xcelpay and mentioned the issue.

I will say that I do not recommend the Xcelpay app to store XDC or any other Cryptos since I have never ever had those issues on nay other wallet I have used.

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Having the exact issue !
I planning on to adding confine network on MetaMask but Where did you find the xdc network info ? I created it with what I found online but how can you be sure it’s not a scam ? Anyway to verify ? Thanks bud

I’m at the point to importing my xcelpay account to the MetaMask account but I’m afraid to do so .

Use the seed phrase that you got when you setup the Xcelpay wallet to setup Metamask. Click on import wallet then type in the exact same seed phrase that you have for the Xcel pay wallet. After metamask is setup get XDC setup there and you will have your XDC coins. Go to chainlist.org to get your XDC wallet setup on Metamask after Meta mask is setup using your Xcelpay wallet seed phrase to setup Metamask. This is the way to do it. Make sure you write down your metamask password too.

Anyone claiming to be customer support is a scammer. Xcelpay wallet sucks and it has horrible reviews.

How the fuck is one supposed to get something fix with so many scammers it’s a freaking disease man .

I afraid to try anything but need those token unlocked … I see them but can’t send them out

@Sean Ban this scammer and their scam link. Its absurd how many scammers are here. Don’t let innocent people get scammed here to aviod legal actions.
The scammers will get what is coming to them.

My xdc are currently on xcelpay wallet I see them but cannot sent them out . Jtw expired auth2 error you name it .

I Just want to send them out of that wallet which I can’t

Anyone fixed that problem in the past ??

Did you do the transfer to MetaMask though ?

My xdc are still stuck into the xcelpay wallet for some security reason mention above

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The only way is to import the wallet to metamask using seed phrases of your xcelpay wallet and then move from there

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This topic was automatically opened after 16 hours.

Hi sean so i did what u said i opened and used my 12 words on meta mask but to completethe transfer o need the private key from xcelpay wallet do u have any idea where to find it

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Processing: 1000004204.jpg…

And i also get this messge wen i try to send my xdc elswhere

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No you don’t need private key from XcelPay wallet. Mnemonic phrases are enough to import the wallet to metamask.

Apart from Importing the wallet, you’ll also need to add XDC network as a custom network in Metamask to see your funds.

and to move XDC out of MM, you’ll have to replace the XDC prefix of the destination wallet address with 0x.