Acces to xdc wallet through Ledger app and there is no xdc token"s addresses in it

Hi guys.

I have access to my xdc wallet through the Ledger app wallet. The last time I got in, I didn’t find my xdc token addresses, but there are many other addresses and all 0 balances. When I checked my address at xdcscan I saw my tokens. I don’t have any password or mnemonic phrases to get into my wallet I just used my Ledger, so I do everything correctly but my token address is not shown. I sent emails to but no answers. What else can I do? PLEASE I NEED SOME HELP!

All the comments below are sent to the xdc Telegram support or directly to the fishing website and ask mnemonic phrase or Ledger Seed Phrase. FUCK YOU SCAMMERS!!!.

How did you create XDC wallet on Ledger app and which website did you use?

I have the same problem. There could be a problem with the upgrade from the XDC betawallet to XDC wallet. The Ledger Nano S Plus connect tab is not “lit” in the popup window. I can cancel but not connect. I tried the suggestions about firmware, browser updates, passwords, cables, OS update, switch computers and they didn’t work. Strangely other Ledgers using MacOS work. I have the tokens on The XDC community will have to wait for an update.

Myetherwallet and XinFin wallets have the same connection issue with Ledger.

Here is the step by step guide created by one of our community member on how to connect and access your XDC wallet using Ledger. Please have a look.