Accessing Wallet Issues

Been looking around Discord, this forum, and, and see multiple people with the same issue but no real solutions.

I created a Wallet on xdcwallet in 2022. I have my 12 word mnemonic phrase and correct password (it’s not a password issue). When accessing this web wallet and entering the information I am able to see my xdc660… address, I see the correct balance, etc… When trying to send from this wallet you get hit with the “gas” error.

When trying to access the new version with the same phrase + password you are hit with the “connection not open to send” error and are stuck waiting for any address to load. You can swtich networks (eth, xdc, etc…) and you are stuck in the same spot.

When trying to access it from MEW wallet, you get a little bit further. I can see the Eth derived wallet address 0x660… and can access that wallet on their interface. However when you swtich to the XDC network you are hit with a more generic “connection not open” error.

I have checked the XDC block scan and can see the correct amount in the wallet.

I have tried accessing the wallet via Chrome, Brave (i know also Chromium), Firefox, Edge, and mobile, all return the same issue.

Diving into devtools I see a few main errors that come up…

1.) WebSocket errors to ws xinfin network.
2.) Server response of 401 to partners mewapi io
3.) A Content Security Policy violation error to connect-src: (with over 100 urls listed, including mewbuilds, mewapi, api ethvm, mewwallet dev, etc…)

Does anyone have a solution? This appears to be 100% a Xinfin dev issue and not a phrase + password (as being able to access the info on the old interface).

Want to move my XDC off all of this and into a hardware wallet, but need to be able to access it and send it.


This might not fix the issue of not being able to send from the XDC wallet and as you suggest, can be for several reasons that the devs might need to check. But if you need to send or move your XDC, you can import your wallet to MetaMask and move the tokens. Just changed the header of the address in MetaMask as it doesnt support the xdc header on the address just yet.

Thanks for the info. Do you have a walkthrough of doing this by chance?

I looked at importing into Metamask, but I do dont have the private key, only the mnemonic + password.

Several YouTube videos show you how to import a wallet to MetaMask. For example, this one.
Once you have imported your wallet, you can add the XDC Network. The video should give you a general idea of what to do.

i have the same problem, as i get it this problem occured with most of the people at the same time, no answers from team regarding this problem, want to get access to my funds and send them to other wallet because their wallet is so bad

Definitely frustrating. I have played around and can access everything on the Apothem test network. Small step forward. It feels like the dev team has no priority or urgency to address the main network issue though.


man i already found the method that can help you too, today used that method and could get access to my funds, iam sure that this method will work for you 100% sure about that, this is NETWORK ISSUE just change your wifi on your laptop to your MOBILE CELL and after that try connect ledger to xdc wallet again it will work 1000%

this is the only method that can help you, no devs no team will help you to solve this, as i said connect your mobile cell to your laptop and then try again to conect with ledger to xdc web wallet, say me if this work for you after you try it

You are a legend. Totally worked! :pray:t4::pray:t4::pray:t4:. Weird.

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ahah iam so happy that i could help someone, highly recommend you to take all your funds from this trash wallet


It was what I was trying to do to being with. Immediately moved.

good for you, if you see someone have the same issue just say them about this method, people need to take their funds until some scammer will do it

Hi, is this solution only if you have your tokens on a ledger? I havent used my wallet in 3 yrs and now am unable to find my tokens on the xinfin web wallet. It is 100% not a password problem and the 12 word seed opens a wallet that doesnt have my address nor tokens. Any help much appreciated

Thank you!!! This worked for me as well. Now I am wondering if I should keep them on the Ledger device or transfer them somewhere?


Hardware wallets are always more secure to secure your digital assets. It was just a temporary issue which has been resolved.


Gente!!! Não consigo acessar meu saldo na carteira. Tenho as doze palavras, mas não dá pra acessar da erro. Eu investi em 2022 e nunca mais movimentei a carteira. E posso dizer que não é pouco dinheiro não, e mais de vinte mil xdcs. Perdi um dinheirão. Já faz um ano não tive resposta do suporte

hello, as i get it most people who facing with problem "connection not open on send’ having this problem connecting from ledger, if you connecting with ledger and see this then this is that problem which solution i explained

better transfer to other wallet if you have, this is not the first time when iam facing with problems only with the xdc web wallet, all wallets work nice and always problems with xdc web wallet

Hello, no…I cannot get in through the updated web wallet. I never used Ledger