"connection not open on send()"

Hi I tried accessing my account for the first time in a year or more and had the same error message “connection not open on send()”. Im not sure what to do? Does anyone know how to solve this? I made the wallet through ledger and don’t ever remember having to do a seed phrase for the WOW wallet or Mnemonic phrase. My addresses don’t even come up in the wow wallet for me to see my balance. Is there any other way of seeing the adress and accesing another way? If lots of people are having this problem why arn’t they fixing the wallet?

OK found out my address from the exchange i sent from and put it into xdc scan and my xdc is still there. Phew! Can I use this address to access my funds through another wallet via the nano ledger? Again I have no password etc as its through ledger allowing access. Help please :frowning:

So this means a lot of people are getting scammed right now as many people are having issues with the web-wallet and withdrawing of funds…and when they look for help, they get scammed…Great

Anyway, I made my peace with this…please try to help the community and advise them of this scam

didnt worked :((((((((((((((((

The team has tested the wallet from multiple wallets and it’s working perfectly fine. By any chance are you using VPN because that’s the only way I encountered this issue?

How did you create this XDC wallet on Ledger? Please let us know.

meanwhile there is another way that you can try accessing your wallet.

Add XDC Network Mainnet to Metamask and select XDC Network.

Connect your Ledger device to metamask and check if you can see your funds there.

What didn’t work?

can you create a new topic so that I can understand your issue? Please mention the steps you took and screenshots of the error if you are getting any. If you are using VPN, please turn that off and try again.

Hi Sean thanks for the reply. Funnily enough I thought about that about half hour ago. I’m at work at the moment so cant test it but I do know VPN has caused problems for me in other situations in the past so it could well be. I will test it later as apart from that everything else is the same as when I could connect although I believe the wallet has also been updated since I last signed in.

Thanks for the confirmation. Please test it and if you still find any issue create a new topic, share relevant screenshots and wait for me to check and respond.

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Sean so can I access funds through Metamask even if originally sent to the official xdc wallet? Can I restore the account address in metamask using the ledger for signing in and appoval. If so can you explain how this can be done. Thanks

Yes, XDC is an EVM compatible Blockchain. So you can add XDC Network as a custom Network to Metamask.

Go to https://chainlist.org and search for XDC Network mainnet there. In there you’ll see the option to connect and add XDC Network to Metamask.

Once done, connect your Ledger to Metamask and see if you can find your funds there.

The only case this hasn’t worked is when people have multiple Ethereum wallet on Metamask.

but you can try and let me know if it works for you.


Great thanks Sean, I will try and give these a try tonight.


connection not open on send for accet ledger but ok on metamask

No VPN - I’ve notice many people on X(twitter) mentioning the same issues as I’ve had and they’re still having issues

You mean you are facing this error on XDC web wallet but it’s working fine for you on Metamask?

I can confirm it was the VPN that was causing the error message “connection not open on send()”. I turned the VPN off and it worked straight away showing my account address and balance. I do find it alarming that others are having problems with this wallet though and think I will likely transfer my XDC to a different wallet. One that Im using for another asset that I interact with regulary and knows works well. Thanks for your help Sean much appreciated. I hope others can find a solution to their connection issue too.


Thanks for the confirmation. There are multiple wallets available for users to store XDC and XRC20 tokens.

Here is a list

Software Wallets - Xinfin Web Wallet, Guarda Wallet, Infinity Wallet, Math Wallet, Simplehold, Onto Wallet, XSwap Wallet, Nabox Wallet, Mixin Wallet, D’Cent Wallet, Safepal Wallet, Metamask Wallet, Blockspay Wallet, Bifrost Wallet and Solidifi Wallet.

Hardware Wallets - Tangem, Arculus, Ledger, Trezor, Ellipal, D’Cent, Safepal, BitFi and OPOLO Hardware wallet


I’m having exactly the same issue with the “connection not open to send()”.

I’m using Google Chrome on Macbook pro using the above web address. I have even tried MS Edge.

I’m connecting via the Nano Ledger X USB method (i have also tried Bluetooth method).

My nano X software is all up to date on Ledger Live and the iOS app.

I have VPN disabled.

This wallet was working on 21st December 24 because i accessed then on that date. I’ve not used my macbook or ledger live since the above date.

Can i have a solution please? How can i get access to my wallet?

Same problem here. Now, I can see the funds on the XDC Apothem network, however I was able to access them on the Mainnet before.

Having the same issue. I’ve been trying to access for days and still not luck. Everything up to date and havent done anything different than usual.